Thursday, February 25, 2010

some ideas to come

i dont have any pictures of my pieces right now, so i found some vases with textures that i would like to experiment with. so here they are

this one is really cool and reminded me of matty's work, because of the flat sides.

and this one really reminds me of chris's work. however i would like to experiment with this look as well

Friday, February 19, 2010

the rock pot is finally finished! its not exactly what i intended when i started this project so i might make another one. but here it is

Friday, February 12, 2010

earlier this week i threw some vases, and at the moment only one has made itself into a concentration peice. i gave it a natural texture through the use of what appear to be cracks. I spent about an hour carving all of the lines into the pot. So here's two pictures of it

and heres a close up so you can see the texture a little better:

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

conentration ideas

Amy told me that i should look at some of Jeff Campana's work and i did. He throws pots, cuts them up when they are leather hard, then reassembles them. what he does is truly amazing and unique. here is a link to one of his pitchers and a blog featuring him.

and here's a picture of one of his mugs

I could use a concept similar to this, because his technique gives his pieces a unique texture. although they are smooth, the glaze builds up in the grooves and lines he has created. If i try to imitate this, i might just make grooves in the pots rather than cutting them apart due to the sake of time and a necessity to create a product.